Author: Arun Basil Lal

  • Showing Up

    Showing Up

    I prefer to read non-fiction. There is usually no gripping story or hook that turns pages for me. Also, I am a slow reader. However every time I pick up my Kindle, I typically read 2% of the book I am reading. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or how I am feeling.…

  • The Unlucky Cat

    The Unlucky Cat

    For the longest time, in my book, luck was a resort for the cowardly. If you couldn’t beat the odds and get what you want, you didn’t try hard enough. How could I see otherwise from my seat of privilege? With more time to look back, connect the dots and reflect on the journey so…

  • One Extra Dish

    One Extra Dish

    A sink full of dirty dishes can be disheartening to look at. Especially if you are the one responsible for cleaning it. Now this might not work for everyone, but what works for me is to clean one extra dish each time I use the sink. If I am washing my hands, I clean a…

  • Your Perspective Is Limited By Your Knowledge

    Look at the waves above. Many of you saw a beautiful photo. Some of you wished you were on a beach with a view like that. Some of you thought of your last beach vacation. Very few of you saw the the way the waves curled. You noticed if it was going left or right.…

  • Be Like Roma

    For the longest time I believed that selfless love was a myth. Helping strangers, every act of kindness, gives you joy and pleases your ego. Parents doing-it-all for their kids was biological and meant the survival of their genes. In my mind, these are not selfless. Don’t get me wrong, I do not think these…