Author: Arun Basil Lal
Lots of First Times In a Couple of Days
in MemoirWe went for Inception. Its the first time I am going for a Hollywood Movie in a Public Theatre. Given the fact that, I only watch hollywood and I have seen over 400 movies (I can prove with, I have a list), its pretty odd. Anyway, this is the first. Inception rocks, gotta see it…
This Got Me Thinking. What do I Really Want?
in Life HacksWell, I do like to do something nice and BIG with my life. I want to be someone for my loved ones to look forward to. The problem is, I don’t know (yet) what that is. I was hoping to find it eventually, but I am not sure if that is ever gonna happen. And…
Internet On the Move with BSNL 3G and Option GTM 378
in ObsessionsUnlike the USB broadband connections, this card is placed inside the laptop, so the whole thing is an integrated unit, nothing to carry around and absolutely nothing protruding. It looks as if the laptop is born with internet.
Unboxing DSLR Canon EOS 550D, 18-55 IS Kit
in ObsessionsAs usual, and for one last time (yay), I had to borrow my mom’s awesome mobile camera, Sony Ericsson K 810i for the photo shoot. (I have skipped some stuffs like warranty card, leaflets etc. to keep the number of images down).
Notes From Canon Photography Workshop at Cochin
in ObsessionsI had the feeling I had at BlogCamp Kerala 1, the feeling of an alien, but I tried to keep up and took notes. BlogCamp Kerala 1 proved to be a milestone in my blogging career and I hope this one turns out to be one for me in Photography.