The One-Pic-A-Day Project

I got addicTED after I raided some TED Videos from @BinnyVA‘s collection. Shared some of those awesome presentations with buddies and they too got the TED fever; which was good because we were all downloading TED videos every day.

TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds:  Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.

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One day I happen to watch a TED Video by Mena Trott, co-founder of TypePad and Six Apart, on the personal connection of blogs and how they help in building a friendlier world. (Mena Trott on Blogs)

Amongst other interesting Blogging stories, Mena talked about her habit of snapping her own self-portrait, which she had been doing for years. Now she has a huge collection of her photos, adding a new picture of herself every day.

I had been following her model since last November, I take at least one shot of myself on my laptop camera and its archived on a daily basis, offline.


Give it a shot, it would be so cool to see all the pics at a later time and see how you evolved.

Tip: I use my Tudumo, my faithful To-Do app to remind me to take the picture. Once the reminder comes up, I snooze it to 24 hours and I get the reminder the next day again.

P.S: If you like to get addicTED, here is a great start: What’s so funny about the Web?


10 responses to “The One-Pic-A-Day Project”

  1. Pretty interesting 🙂 am also going to start this one..

    1. We should find a way to automatically publish the pic right from the web-cam. Automation FTW!

  2. Great blog and design buddy.. And really liked the name, You branded with it even if everyone calls it randomly as a nickname.. 😀
    btw thought to show you something that will help you with this project without a ToDo app… – These kind of pictures are generally called Mugshots.
    and Goodluck !!

    1. Thanks dude, esp for the mention of the design 😉 Am honored (as if I did it 😛 ok.. I added the background image 😀 )

      Mugshots looks perfect, Danks again!

  3. monkeymind Avatar

    Get inspired by your blog and blog name. One day I will also start one as

    1. hey, if you havent noticed, is already registered 😉

      I wonder who you are, but am gonna find that out someday 😛

  4. monkeymind Avatar


    I like the third photo from right ….no no… from left. Kuttappi in blue shirt.

    4th one looks like ‘ur in a cell’


    1. @JosephCS on twitter was saying that the third one looks like Firen, a animated character from Little Fighter 2

      Thanks Thanks!

  5. […] The One-Pic-A-Day Project(1.18) […]

  6. […] I am still doing the One-Pic-A-Day Project to the best I […]

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