Dear Cochin,
We had a good run, and now the time has come for me to say good bye and move on. We both knew this day would come, unlike what they say in the movies, I deserve better.
I will always remember the sleepless bloody nights where you served me with the best of your mosquitoes. You never left me in the cold, you always made me warm, a bit too much, even in December. You played music with all those traffic on the streets, the honking and the rush, boy! you know what you are doing. You filled my heart with the fragrance of the streets, how could I ever forget you?
You gave me new friends, great friends. You introduced me to a whole other kind of friends too. Friends who robbed me out of my money and took advantage good will. We had our fights, we had our scars, but in the end everything heals on its own.

Dear Cochin, I never felt at home with you, but you made me more independent than I ever was, and that has made a lot of difference in me. I had my first home-away-from-home with you, my first bike, my first office and so many other firsts that we shared. I had the most fun filled days and the best year of my life with you.
I owe so much to you for what I am today, but I have to move on to better things. Until we meet again, take care of yourself pal, miss me!
With Love,
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