Author: Arun Basil Lal

  • Deshadanam 2014 – My Discovery Of India

    When it was time to decide upon my career, one of the criteria I had for myself was that I shouldn’t be geographically bound by what I do. Travelling was a priority even then and the biggest of all the travel plans I had ever dreamt of was a journey across India. On the 3rd…

  • How (And Why) I Really Ran My First Half Marathon

    21.097 kms. That’s what it takes to finish a half marathon. And on the 29th of last December, that’s what I did at the first Cochin International Half Marathon. When @Hari told me about the run in the first week of December, the idea was to just be part of the event. Do the 7km…

  • Is It Worth Going On The Jagriti Yatra?

    Some of you might remember me taking part in the Jagriti Yatra (previously Tata Jagriti Yatra) and writing about it. This was in 2010. Lately, many folks I know are being selected for the yatra, which can only mean that my circle has some amazing people in it. Attending the yatra isn’t free, and most…

  • 5 Good Books I Read In 2013

    I was obsessed with reading in high school. I have read every one of those Hardy Boys hard cover novels that was out there at that time. I lost this obsession while I was in college. However, recently I have managed to bring it back to life. Biographies and Travelogues replaced Novels and Fiction. This…

  • 25 Year Old Boy

    Wordsworth said, “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”. On the night of my 25th birthday, this September 14th, I was hanging with a few friends and late into the night, I found a corner and I took on a voyage through my past. I…