Author: Arun Basil Lal

  • I Never Really Delivered On Time, Now I Can Brag About It!

    I am a typical freelancer. I never really delivered on time, I can’t remember a time I delivered everything on time. Luckily, I never had to work on time critical projects where the whole world would blow up if I wouldn’t deliver.

  • What Do I Do For Fun?

    Fun is overrated. It always has been and always will be. I think people do everything because it is fun. Sometimes its fun while doing it, sometimes its an insurance for fun in the future, and again sometimes we do things just to make sure that they don’t stand in the way of having fun…

  • A Farewell Letter to Cochin

    Dear Cochin, We had a good run, and now the time has come for me to say good bye and move on. We both knew this day would come, unlike what they say in the movies, I deserve better. I will always remember the sleepless bloody nights where you served me with the best of…

  • The Salt That Makes Chicken Tastes Better!

    Even when everything is going great, sometimes, haven’t you felt there is something missing? Like the time when someone forgot to add a tinge of salt to that otherwise yummy chicken leg? I have a habit of developing tools that help myself out of situations in life that I might have to face again. Like…

  • 130 Kms of Cycling: Perfect End for an Awesome Year!

    I loved cycling since my school days, I used to go long distances right when I had my first bicycle, well at that time a 4 km trip around the town seemed long and there was the thrill of breaking the rule set by parents which stated that the town was off limits for me…