Tag: Entrepreneurship
Book Recommendation : Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell
in ObsessionsIts been a while since I read my last book and this one, Outliers came heavily recommended. The book starts with a definition of what an Outlier is: Out-li-er something that is situated away from our classed differently from a main or related body. a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the…
I am Cee-Eh-Oh!
in ObsessionsEver since the idea of Entrepreneurship got stuck in my head, I wanted to be a CEO. Well, I wanted to be an Entrepreneur first, CEO second. I am finally there! It all started with a super secret project designed to make money online. Now its a registered company – One C Media Private Limited.
Dood. Do The Right Thing!
in Life Hacks“Are you Happy?”. This is ‘the question’ that I ask myself when I am faced with a choice. And when the answer is No, I know something is wrong and its time to change something. Story Time!
Selected For TATA Jagriti Yatra. Looking for a Sponsor
in ScribblingsThe cost of the Yatra is Rs. 38,000. I am looking for someone who could sponsor me for the trip. As a freshly passed out, wannabe entrepreneur, college graduate my life’s savings are zero. If you could give me the contact of someone who could sponsor me, that would be very helpful.