Tag: Health And Fitness
First Aid Kit For Urban Travel
in Life HacksA first aid kit is like a pair of fat-pants. You hope you never have to use them, but it is nice to know that they are there in case you need them. Traveling exposes your body and mind to experiences that you are not used to. It should, otherwise what is the point of…
Your Averages Matter, Not Just Your Peaks
in Life HacksIf you have been practicing any skill set, you get it when I tell you how there are peak performance days and just average days. For instance if you are into body building, you know how some days you can beat the shit out of that iron, while there are days where you can’t move…
I Attempted The Cochin International Half Marathon Again, But After 16 Kms..
in ObsessionsI blacked out. The next thing I know is opening my eyes in the intensive care unit of Medical Trust Hospital, Cochin, an hour later. Surrounded by half a dozen beautiful angels in scrubs, I thought I reached heaven. Well, not yet.
How (And Why) I Really Ran My First Half Marathon
in Obsessions21.097 kms. That’s what it takes to finish a half marathon. And on the 29th of last December, that’s what I did at the first Cochin International Half Marathon. When @Hari told me about the run in the first week of December, the idea was to just be part of the event. Do the 7km…
YES+ : The Art of Living for the Youth!
in Life HacksWell, I have to admit this: It was one of the best decisions I have taken in the recent past. It was AWESOME! Thanks to my friend Ravi for introducing me!