Tag: Observations

  • Simple Logics for Screwed Up Times

    When we are screwed up, we find explanations to console ourselves. At least I do. The following are some of my favourite explanations which I use depending on the demand of the situation. I don’t care if they are right or wrong, I just feel better when I think this way.

  • Saying Yes to No

    Give it a thought, if you just said YES to everything, you are not making choices. The choice is already made. That isn’t fair. I thought Life was about choices.

  • Destiny and Fate – Is not crap, but close to it

    Think from God’s point of view for a second (assuming that you believe in a superior power). Is he setting up everything for you? If so why did he give us a brain that can think and make rational choices?

  • Two Weeks of Work and RSI

    I was working hard on some of my online projects for the past two weeks, including but not limited to a theme change at Million Clues. I was on the laptop for hours at a time and the result? Better looking blogs, completed projects and RSI.

  • Buyers are Liars, wherever they are

    All the work is gone, he have to start from scratch. And if he is not working on a hourly rate, gone are those hours too. I have come across this situation in every project I have worked on. Buyers are liars. Amen.