Author: Arun Basil Lal

  • Dood. Do The Right Thing!

    “Are you Happy?”. This is ‘the question’ that I ask myself when I am faced with a choice. And when the answer is No, I know something is wrong and its time to change something. Story Time!

  • Cycling to Cochin – Riding on 3 Apples and a RedBull

    I used to cycle a lot when I was in school. Had lost the flavour till I saw this video sometime this month. My bicycle, an old Hercules AXN was in ruins. Did a major repair last week for 800 bucks. New Tires, New Tubes, New Handle Bar, New Pedals, New Brakes, New Bell even.

  • Whats New?

    Some time back, I used to have an online friend who would always Ask, “Whats New”. Its not a very big deal, but when you think of it, isn’t it much better than asking “How are you?”

  • Where are you?

    Well, to start with, Tata Jagriti Yatra was a hell of an experience. I wouldn’t call it a tour (now I get why the TJY team said its not a pleasure ride over and over). We had fun, but living in a train bunk for 18 days is a challenge in itself, not to mention…

  • Day Out in Mumbai

    The boarding point of Tata Jagriti Yatra was Bombay. My mom’s sister lives in Bombay, so the plan was to come here a day early and spend a day in Bombay.