Tag: Inspiration

  • Why Machine Gun Preacher Is The Greatest Movie Ever

    If a movie changed your life, how many stars would you give it? Machine Gun Preacher changed my life and my attitude towards life and so I think its the greatest movie ever. I stumbled across Machine Gun Preacher a few years back and life has never been the same ever since. There are a…

  • The Salt That Makes Chicken Tastes Better!

    Even when everything is going great, sometimes, haven’t you felt there is something missing? Like the time when someone forgot to add a tinge of salt to that otherwise yummy chicken leg? I have a habit of developing tools that help myself out of situations in life that I might have to face again. Like…

  • What The Indonesian Trip Did To My Untold Fears

    I am scared of many things. I am scared of heights for instance. And I follow by the philosophy, If you are scared of something, don’t run away from it, Face it. And it works every time. I bet you know the obvious reason for my trip to Indonesia, but the idea of a foreign…

  • Dood. Do The Right Thing!

    “Are you Happy?”. This is ‘the question’ that I ask myself when I am faced with a choice. And when the answer is No, I know something is wrong and its time to change something. Story Time!

  • Cycling to Cochin – Riding on 3 Apples and a RedBull

    I used to cycle a lot when I was in school. Had lost the flavour till I saw this video sometime this month. My bicycle, an old Hercules AXN was in ruins. Did a major repair last week for 800 bucks. New Tires, New Tubes, New Handle Bar, New Pedals, New Brakes, New Bell even.