Tag: Inspiration

  • The REAL Art of Living

    So we did what we were asked to do and we came back to the groups. Now they said “Go and find a Job”, just like that! The activity was to go out with just that 10 Rs. and make money doing some job. No Begging, and we cant say that we are from Art…

  • Robert Frost!

    I came across a Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken” while reading Brian Gardner. Two lines of the poem became my favorite.

  • The Journey is the Reward

    I got the real story from Mr. Shine. He was using a Freelancing accountant for filing his company tax and all the paper work. Unfortunately, this accountant wasn’t doing his job well and was taking home all the money Shine paid him. He wasn’t paying taxes for 36 months, so the Tax department sent him…

  • This Got Me Thinking. What do I Really Want?

    Well, I do like to do something nice and BIG with my life. I want to be someone for my loved ones to look forward to. The problem is, I don’t know (yet) what that is. I was hoping to find it eventually, but I am not sure if that is ever gonna happen. And…

  • iCon: The Story of Apple, NeXT and Pixar

    iCon is a biography of Steve Jobs and tells the story of his journey with Apple, NeXT and Pixar. I was expecting to read more about Steve Jobs, the man, but it turned out to be more about Jobs as a Entrepreneur with flashes into his personal life here and there.